To be a confident communicator and not to be afraid of expressing oneself creatively
gives great freedom in society. Our youngest children may not have all their words yet
and older ones may not always feel like using theirs, but there are so many ways of
expressing ourselves.
At Highland Fling we use music, sports, dance, drama, and the arts on a daily basis, both indoor and out. Children learn to find joy in the process - many times there is no concrete outcome but rather the great feeling of having immersed themselves in something that gives them great pleasure.
Our staff are all excellent communicators who listen carefully to the children and help
them share their ideas and opinions. For young children learning how to communicate or express themselves in a group setting can be quite a challenge. Learning to work
together on a project whether building a bonfire or baking a cake develops several skills.
The children learn to join the conversation, express their views, listen to others and take
turns. Everyone’s input is valuable and a successful shared project is the cause for much celebration on completion.
Watching our new children find their feet and become confident communicators in a
group setting is really rewarding. Anyone visiting Highland Fling will notice immediately
that our children are extremely eager to talk and share their opinions on just about