Stunning location
Incredible opportunities for fun and adventure
Fantastic Staff
Amazing activities
The Cabin
We are committed to make each and every one of our children's days as happy, fun and enriching as possible. Learning through play, interacting with new friends and being out lots in the fresh air makes for a very happy childhood.
We work in accordance with the Curriculum For Excellence and the Pre Birth to Three document and all our learning is “Child at the Centre” based. Our staff consists of a team who have extensive experience in a number of educational philosophies including Froebel, Reggio Emilio and Forest Schools.
“I chose the nursery because of the wonderful family feel and because of their emphasis on outdoor play and he has flourished and grown in confidence and curiosity there. The range of activities they get involved in ensure that he is bursting with stories when I pick him up and he is always happy when it is a Highland Fling day.”
3pm - 6pm (12pm - 6pm Fridays)
Collect from 4 local schools
Taken to Hillside on foot or by minibus
9am - 3pm
Children can enjoy lots of outdoor time and will be given the freedom to learn through play. Each child has their own Learning Journal which parents/ carers can easily access via the "Resources" menu.
As we are a Partnership Nursery, each child can receive council funding in their final two years of nursery, equating to 15 hours per week of our core session (during term time).